Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 1:22 PM |

The SANsurfer FC HBA CLI application provides a command line interface (CLI) that lets you easily install, configure, and deploy QLogic Fibre Channel (FC) host bus adapters (HBAs). It also provides robust diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities and useful statistical information to optimize SAN performance. This application can only configure HBAs on the local machine upon which the application is installed.

SANsurfer FC HBA CLI is a simplified, condensed version of the SANsurfer FC HBA Manager GUI.

SANsurfer FC HBA CLI can be operated in two modes:

    ■ Interactive mode (menu-driven interface). This mode requires user intervention.
    ■ Non-interactive mode (command line interface). Use this mode for scripting orwhen you want to perform a single operation.

Interactive Mode

Do one of the following to start SANsurfer FC HBA CLI in interactive mode:

scli INT


NOTE: When starting SANsurfer FC HBA CLI on a Solaris console serial port
connection, the application may be slow to launch. To resolve this issue,
specify the INT flag, as shown above.

Here is a sample:

sunsrv01# scli


v1.7.0 Build 12

Main Menu

1: Display System Information
2: Display HBA Settings
3: Display HBA Information
4: Display Device List
5: Display LUN List
6: Configure HBA Settings
7: Boot Device Settings
8: HBA Utilities
9: Flash Beacon
10: Diagnostics
11: Statistics
12: Help
13: Quit

Enter Selection:

Non-interactive Mode

Type the following in a command window to start SANsurfer FC HBA CLI in
non-interactive mode:

scli <Parameters>

SANsurfer FC HBA CLI executes the command options, then terminates.
To list all of the available command line parameters and the SANsurfer FC HBA CLI
version, type the following:

sunsrv01# scli -h
v1.7.0 Build 12
Copyright 2003-2007 QLogic Corp.
All rights reserved.
Command Line QLogic FC Host Bus Adapters
Build Type: Release
Build Date: Jan 31 2007 16:40:23

Usage: scli [options]


[ int ] - Starts interactive mode.

-g - Displays the system information.

-c [ <all> ] - Displays parameter settings for all HBAs.
-c ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> )
- Displays parameter settings for a specific HBA

-i [ <all> ] - Displays all HBAs information.
-i ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> )
- Displays a specific HBA general information.

-t [ <all> ] - Displays the target information on all HBAs.
-t ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> )
- Displays the target information on a specific HBA
-t ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( <target wwpn> | <target portid> )
- Displays a specific target information on a
specific HBA.

-l ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> )
- Displays LUN information for all HBAs.
-l ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( <target wwpn> | <target portid> )
- Displays LUN information for a specific target
-l ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( <target wwpn> | <target portid> ) <lun id>
- Displays LUN information for a specific
LUN on a specific target.

-n ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { ( <param name> | <param alias> )
<param value> }

- HBA Port settings (NVRAM).
-n ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) default
- Restore default settings (4G HBAs only).

-p ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> ) ( view | ? )
- Display target persistent binding information of
a specific HBA or all HBAs.
-p ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { <target wwnn> <target wwpn> <target portid>
<target id> }
- Bind selected target(s) on a specific HBA.
-p ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> ) bind all
- Bind all target(s) on a specific HBA or all HBAs.
-p ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) remove all | unbind all
- Unbind all target(s) on a specific HBA.
-p ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) remove <target wwnn> | unbind <target wwnn>
- Unbind selected target on a specific HBA.

-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( view | ? )
- View the HBA 's selective LUN list
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) <target wwnn> <target wwpn> <lun id> ( view
| ? )
- View a LUN's selective state of specific device.
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { <target wwnn> <target wwpn> <lun id> ( 0
| 1 | enable | disable | select | unselect ) }
- Select/Unselect a LUN of a specific target on a
specific HBA.
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) select | enable <target wwnn> <target wwpn>
- Enable all LUNs of a specific target on a specific
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) unselect | disable <target wwnn> <target wwpn>
- Disable all LUNs of a specific target on a specific
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) select all
- Select or enable all LUNs of all targets on a
specific HBA.
-m ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) unselect all
- Unselect or disable all LUNs of all targets on a
specific HBA.

-e ( view | ? ) - View the boot device of all HBAs.
-e ( view | ? ) - View the boot device of all HBAs.
-e ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( view | ? )
- View the boot device of a specific HBA.
-e <hba no> | <hba wwpn> <target wwnn> <target wwpn> <target id> <lun id>
- Set a specific target as boot device on a specific HBA.
-e ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) enable
- Set a default BIOS boot device on a specific HBA
This option is only available on x86.
-e ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) disable
- Clear the boot device on a specific HBA.

-fg ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( view | ? )
- View driver settings.

-fs ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { ( <param name> | <param alias> )
<param value> }
- Configure driver settings.

-b ( <all> | <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) [ ( <-rg> <fw | boot| all> ) ]
<file name>
- Updates the HBA's Option ROM.
<-rg> - Specifies Option ROM region update mode.
<fw> - Firmware update only.
<boot> - Boot code update (BIOS/Fcode/EFI) only.
<file name> - Specifies the image file name.
- Region update is only supported on QLA/QLE/QMC246x.
-b ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) save <file name>

- Saves the HBA's Option ROM to a file.

-r ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> ) <file name>
- Update the HBA's NVRAM.
-r ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) save <file name>
- Saves the HBA's NVRAM to a file.

-do ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> ) <rescan | rs>
- Tell the driver to issue a rescan command for
discovering newly added targets/LUNs.

-d <file name >
- Update driver to HBA(s) where <file name> is
the full path of the driver oemsetup.inf file.

-a ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) ( view | ?)
- View HBA's LED flashing status.
-a ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> )
- Toggle the HBA's LED flashing state.

-tb ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ){ ( <target wwpn> ) } <beacon mode>
- Target Beacon: Flash the disk drive's LED to
locate the drive in a JBOD.

-kl ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) [ { ( <param name> | <param alias> )
<param value> } ]
- Run HBA diagnostics loopback test.

-kr ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) [ { ( -ex | -exclude ) <target wwpn> } ]
[ ( <param name>| <param alias> ) <param value> ]
- Run HBA diagnostics read-write buffer test.

-gs ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { ( <param name> | <param alias> )
<param value> }
- View Statistics.
-ls ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) { ( <param name> | <param alias> )
<param value> }
- View Link Status.

-dm ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> ) general | gen | details | det
- Display Digital Diagnostics Monitoring Information
in general or details view.
Note: This feature is supported only with 4Gb HBAs.

-tp | -topology ]
- Display host topology.

-ha ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) <alias>
- Set an alias to selected HBA
-ha ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) delete
- Delete the current alias of selected HBA.
-ha ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) view | ?
- View the current alias of selected HBA

-pa ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) <alias>
- Set a port alias to selected HBA
-pa ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) delete
- Delete current port alias of selected HBA.
-pa ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> ) view | ?
- View the current port alias of the selected HBA

-z ( <hba no> | <hba wwpn> | <all> )
- Display all information for a specific
HBA or all HBAs.

-v - Display version.

-h | -? - Display usage help text.

-o <file name> - Specifies the output to a log file.

-f <file name> - Specifies command line input from file.

-x - Specifies the output in XML format.

-s - Silent mode.
1. Options -x,-s,-o can be combined with other options. However,
they must be at the beginning or at the end of the command line.
2. Option -f cannot be combined with any other options.
Only one command line option per input file is valid.
3. The '-' character can be replaced as '/' character.
i.e. scli -g and scli /g are both considered as valid commands.
4. Option -h can be combined with a command line option to display
the usage of that individual command.


<hba no> - HBA number (Instance number).
<hba wwpn> - HBA World Wide Port Name in the following format:
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
<target wwnn> - Target World Wide Node Name in the following format:
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
<target wwpn> - Target World Wide Port Name in the following format:
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
<target portid> - Target Port ID in the following format:
xx-xx-xx or xxxxxx.
<target id> - Target ID.
<lun id> - Logical Unit Number (0-255).

HBA Port Settings (NVRAM):
<param name> - See column 1 - Table 1.
<param alias> - See column 2 - Table 1.
<param value> - See column 3 - Table 1.

Parameter Name Alias Value Description
ConnectionOption CO 0-3 See note 1 below
DataRate DR 0-3 See note 2 below
FrameSize FR 512,1024,2048
HardLoopID HD 0-125
ResetDelay RD 0-255
EnableBIOS EB 0,1 See note 3,6 below
EnableHardLoopID HL 0,1 See note 3 below
EnableFCPErrRecovery EF 0,1 See note 3 below
ExecutionThrottle ET 1-65535 See note 5 below
EnableExtendedLogging EL 0,1 See note 3,4 below
LoginReTryCount LR 0-255
EnableLipReset LP 0,1 See note 5 below
PortDownRetryCount PD 0-255
EnableLIPFullLogin FL 0,1 See note 3 below
LinkDownTimeOut LT 0-240
EnableTargetReset TR 0,1 See note 3,5 below
MaximumLUNsPerTarget ML 0,8,16,32,64,128,256 See note 5 below
LinkDownError LD 0,1 See note 3,5 below
FastErrorReporting FE 0,1 See note 3,5 below
1. Connection Options: 0 - Loop Only.
1 - Point-to-Point Only.
2 - Loop preferred, otherwise Point-to-Point.
3 - Point-to-Point, otherwise Loop (QLA22xx only).
2. Data Rate: 0 - 1Gbs, 1 - 2Gbs, 2 - Auto, 3 - 4Gbs.
3. Others 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable
4. Option is not available on 4Gb HBA.
5. Option is not available with QLC driver.
6. Option is not available on PPC64/SPARC.
7. Option is not available on Solaris.

Diagnostics Settings:
-exclude | -ex: - Specifies device by its wwpn to be excluded from
read/write buffer test.
<param name> - See column 1 - Table 2.
<param alias> - See column 2 - Table 2.
<param value> - See column 3 - Table 2.

Parameter Name Alias Value Description
DataPattern DP 00-FF See note 1 below
CRPAT See note 1 below
CSPAT See note 1 below
CJTPAT See note 1 below
DataSize DS 8,16,32,64,128,256
512,1024,2048 See note 2 below
TestCount TC 0-65535 (Loopback) See note 3 below
0-10000 (R/W Buffer) See note 3 below
TestIncrement TI 1-65535 (Loopback) See note 4 below
TI 1-10000 (R/W Buffer) See note 4 below
OnError OE 0 Ignore
1 Stop
2 Loop on error
See note 5 below

Table 2: HBA Diagnostics Configuration Settings


1. DataPattern: Test pattern in hex format.
Hex Binary
--- --------
00 00000000
55 01010101
5A 01011010
A5 10100101
AA 10101010
FF 11111111
User Defined Pattern (Hex)).
Random Pattern.
CRPAT - Loopback test only.
CSPAT - Loopback test only.
CJTPAT - Loopback test only.
2. DataSize: Specifies the data (frame payload) size in bytes. Actual
data that is transferred during any given pass of the test.
For R/W buffer test, the max data size is 128 bytes
3. TestCount: 0 - Test Continuously
1 to 65535 - Total number of tests that will be
4. TestIncrement: Must be less than the number of test count specified.
5. OnError: Specifies the action if an error occurs during any
given pass.
Test Result:
A) Loopback test result:
Test Status, CRC Error, Disparity Error, Frame Length Error.
B) Read/Write buffer test result:
Loop ID/Status, Data Miscompare, Link Failure, Loss of Sync,
Loss of Signal, Invalid CRC.

Driver Settings:
<param name> - See column 1 - Table 3.
<param alias> - See column 2 - Table 3.
<param value> - See column 3 - Table 3.

Parameter Name Alias Value Description
PersistentOnly PO 0,1 Present targets that are
persistently bound only.
PersistentPlusNew PN 0,1 Present targets that are
persistently bound plus new
new targets.
BindWWPN BW 0,1 Bind devices by WWPNs.
BindPortID BP 0,1 Bind devices by Port IDs.

Table 3: Driver Settings

Parameter Name Alias Value Description
AutoPoll AP 0 Turn on automatically update the
HBA port statistics.
1-256 Turn on automatically update the
HBA port statistics at a specified
PollRate SR 5-30 Set the polling interval during
automatically update (seconds).
LogToFile LF Log File Name Export the statistics to a file
(CSV format).
Table 4: HBA Port Statistics Options

Parameter Name Alias Value Description
AutoPoll AP 0 Update the link statistics
1-256 Update the link statistics
up to a specified interval.
PollRate SR 5-30 Set the Statistics Sampling
Rate (seconds).
LogToFile LF Log File Name Export the link statistics to a
file (CSV format).
Table 5: Link Status Options

Sample Outputs

sunsrv01# scli -i all

Host Name : sunsrv01
HBA Model : QLA2342
HBA Alias :
Port : 1
Port Alias :
Node Name : 20-00-00-E0-8B-86-FE-C9
Port Name : 21-00-00-E0-8B-86-FE-C9
Port ID : 63-B3-13
Serial Number : E44926
Driver Version : qlc-20051013-2.08
FCode Version : 1.14.09
Firmware Version : 3.03.116 IP
HBA Instance : 2
OS Instance : 2
HBA ID : 2-QLA2342
Actual Connection Mode : Point to Point
Actual Data Rate : 2 Gbps
PortType (Topology) : NPort
Total Number of Devices : 1
HBA Status : Online
Host Name : sunsrv01
HBA Model : QLA2342
HBA Alias :
Port : 2
Port Alias :
Node Name : 20-01-00-E0-8B-A6-FE-C9
Port Name : 21-01-00-E0-8B-A6-FE-C9
Port ID : 00-00-00
Serial Number : E44926
Driver Version : qlc-20051013-2.08
FCode Version : 1.14.09
Firmware Version : 3.03.116 IP
HBA Instance : 3
OS Instance : 3
HBA ID : 3-QLA2342
Actual Connection Mode : Unknown
Actual Data Rate : Unknown
PortType (Topology) : Unidentified
Total Number of Devices : 0
HBA Status : Loop down
Posted by JAUGHN Labels:


Steven Stringer said...

Nice guide, helped me a lot.

October 25, 2012 at 6:23 AM
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