vxassist command syntax :

vxassist <option> <Keyword> volume_name [attributes]

Commonly used options are given below (See man vxassist for complete list of supported options)

    -g for specifying diskgroups
    -b for background operation
    -d file containing defaults for vxassist if not specified /etc/default/vxassist is used

Keywords used are make , mirror , move , growto ,growby ,shrintto ,shirnkby ,snapstart , snapshot ,snapwait

Attributes specify volumes layout disks controllar to include exclude etc

Extending a volume up to certain length

Command syntax :

vxassist growto volume_name length

To extend vol3 up to 8000 sectors, type:

# vxassist growto vol3 8000

Extending by a Given Length

Command Syntax :

vxassist growby volume_name length

To extend volapp by 1000 sectors, type:

# vxassist growby volapp 1000

Shrinking a Volume

Caution - Do not shrink a volume below the size of the file system. If you have a VxFS file system, you can shrink the file system and then shrink the volume. If you do not shrink the file system first, you risk unrecoverable data loss.

Always make sure you have a good backup of the data volume to be shirnked.

Shrinking to a Given Length

Shrink a volume to a specific length as follows:

vxassist shrinkto volume_name length

Make sure you do not shrink the volume below the current size of the file system or database using the volume. This command can be safely used on empty volumes.

To shrink volcat to 1300 sectors, type:

# vxassist shrinkto volcat 1300

Shrinking by a Given Length

Shrink a volume by a specific length as follows:

vxassist shrinkby volume_name length

To extend volapp by 1000 sectors, type:

# vxassist shrinkby volapp2 8000
Posted by JAUGHN Labels: ,


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this important information. You may also refer http://www.s4techno.com/blog/2016/06/17/extend-vxvm-filesystem/

July 16, 2016 at 3:07 AM
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