Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 1:38 PM |
How to create a file system using VERITAS Volume Manager, controlled under VERITAS Cluster Server


Following is the algorithm to create a volume, file system and put them under VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS).

    1. Create a disk group
    2. Create a mount point and file system
    3. Deport a disk group
    4. Create a service group

Add following resources and modify attributes:

Resources Name Attributes
1. Disk group, disk group name
2. Mount block device, FSType, MountPoint

Create dependency between following resources:

1. Mount and disk group

Enable all resources in this service group.

The following example shows how to create a raid-5 volume with a VxFS file system and put it under VCS control.

Method 1 - Using the command line

1. Create a disk group using Volume Manager with a minimum of 4 disks:

# vxdg init datadg disk01=c1t1d0s2 disk02=c1t2d0s2 disk03=c1t3d0s2 disk04=c1t4d0s2
# vxassist -g datadg make vol01 2g layout=raid5

2. Create a mount point for this volume:

# mkdir /vol01

3. Create a file system on this volume:

# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/vol01

4. Deport this disk group:

# vxdg deport datadg

5. Create a service group:

# haconf -makerw
# hagrp -add newgroup
# hagrp -modify newgroup SystemList <sysa> 0 <sysb> 1
# hagrp -modify newgroup AutoStartList <sysa>

6. Create a disk group resource and modify its attributes:

# hares -add data_dg DiskGroup newgroup
# hares -modify data_dg DiskGroup datadg

7. Create a mount resource and modify its attributes:

# hares -add vol01_mnt Mount newgroup
# hares -modify vol01_mnt BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol01
# hares -modify vol01_mnt FSType vxfs
# hares -modify vol01_mnt MountPoint /vol01
# hares -modify vol01_mnt FsckOpt %-y

8. Link the mount resource to the disk group resource:

# hares -link vol01_mnt data_dg

9. Enable the resources and close the configuration:

# hagrp -enableresources newgroup
# haconf -dump -makero

Method 2 - Editing /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf

# hastop -all
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
# haconf -makerw
# vi main.cf

Add the following line to end of this file:

group newgroup (
SystemList = { sysA =0, sysB=1}
AutoStartList = { sysA }

DiskGroup data_dg (
DiskGroup = datadg

Mount vol01_mnt (
MountPoint = "/vol01"
BlockDevice = " /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol01"
FSType = vxfs

vol01_mnt requires data_dg

# haconf -dump -makero
# hastart -local

Check status of the new service group.


Here's an actual example.

# umount /backup/pdpd415

# vxdg deport bkupdg

# haconf -makerw

# hares -add bkup_dg DiskGroup pdpd415_grp
# hares -modify bkup_dg DiskGroup bkupdg

# hares -add bkupdg_bkup_mnt Mount pdpd415_grp
# hares -modify bkupdg_bkup_mnt BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/bkupdg/bkupvol
# hares -modify bkupdg_bkup_mnt FSType vxfs
# hares -modify bkupdg_bkup_mnt MountPoint /backup/pdpd415
# hares -modify bkupdg_bkup_mnt FsckOpt %-y

# hares -link bkupdg_bkup_mnt bkup_dg

# hagrp -enableresources pdpd415_grp

# hares -online bkup_dg -sys sppwd620
# hares -online bkupdg_bkup_mnt -sys sppwd620

# haconf -dump -makero
Posted by JAUGHN Labels:


Unknown said...

Its simply a awsome document.. Thank a ton

March 26, 2009 at 6:37 AM
Ammu Lingesh said...

Great work......thanks lot..

keep posting.......

June 24, 2010 at 5:57 AM
Narayana P V said...

Great work it wil help to many people

February 15, 2011 at 7:05 AM
Aman said...

well, it looks very easy ...don'know.. going to plan one FS add in VCS with the help of this doc.. lets c..
will be posting if done.. :)
thanks for sharing


August 19, 2011 at 3:19 AM
mandela900 said...

Many thanks for this nice guide

August 9, 2013 at 2:21 PM
ridan said...

Can you please provide a way to remove these resources and groups cleanly as well.

March 31, 2014 at 9:01 PM
Amit said...

Genius Bro/Sis

March 15, 2021 at 1:24 PM
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